
halloween eve eve

i know i've got a ton of things i still haven't posted about, but right now i'm going to skip straight to halloween. or a couple days before halloween, really. on thursday the boys got to do some trick or treating at the wayne county high school's treat street.

oscar was the maytag repairman and handed out business cards to people. the costume was a huge hit! (thanks for the help with the hat, grandpa!)

aaron was popeye and lane was jason

here's oscar's tool box for collecting candy.. i finished it while he was sleeping and in the morning he woke up and told me what all of the tools were. i think the thing he got at treat street that he was most excited about was a pencil.


  1. SO CUTE!!! he can fix our washer anytime.

  2. He is by far the cutest repairman I've ever seen.
