7:51 pm

the men hang out after filling up on party food.
7:55 pm
christmas presents!
8:05 pm

cleanup crew.
8:08 pmtesting out new toys.
8:48 pm
the boys get to work.
8:49 pm

so that we can get to work.
10:35 pm
rock'em sock'em robot tournament
tough competition
2:03 am

oscar is pooped and nana got a little nap while rocking him to sleep. back to work on that puzzle!
danielle and boys left at some point around 3 or 4, but i was too tired and focused on the puzzle for pictures.
4:51 am
amazed we finished the puzzle in one night!

a 1000 piece new years miracle

careful, nana. dont fall over!
happy new year everyone.
1 comment:
wow. brave souls! there's no way anyone could get me to stay up that late.
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